What is Sodium metabisulphite (E223)?
Sodium metabisulphite (E223) is a white powder that serves as a food preservative and antioxidant. It is commonly used in various food products, including dried fruits, wines, and certain processed foods, to prevent spoilage and maintain freshness. Sodium metabisulphite helps inhibit microbial growth and oxidation, preserving the color and quality of the food.
Why do I have an intolerance?
Individuals may develop intolerance to sodium metabisulphite due to sensitivity to sulfites. Symptoms can vary and may include respiratory problems, skin irritations, and digestive issues. Those with asthma or sulfite sensitivity may be particularly affected.
What can I do about it?
To manage sodium metabisulphite intolerance, avoid foods and beverages containing this preservative. Reading labels carefully is crucial to identify potential sources. Focusing on fresh produce and avoiding processed items can help minimize the risk of exposure and adverse reactions.