What is Nisin (E234)?
Nisin (E234) is a natural preservative produced by the fermentation of the bacterium Lactococcus lactis. It is particularly effective against gram-positive bacteria and is commonly used in dairy products, canned foods, and meat products. Nisin acts by disrupting bacterial cell membranes, making it a valuable tool for extending shelf life and ensuring food safety.
Why do I have an intolerance?
While Nisin is generally recognized as safe, some individuals may experience intolerance or allergic reactions to it. Symptoms can include gastrointestinal discomfort, skin rashes, or respiratory issues. Sensitivity to Nisin may arise from previous exposure or genetic predispositions.
What can I do about it?
To manage intolerance to Nisin, it is important to read food labels and avoid products containing this preservative. Being aware of common sources, especially in dairy and processed foods, can help reduce exposure and prevent adverse reactions.