E263 Calcium Acetate

What is Calcium acetate (E263)?

Calcium acetate (E263) is a calcium salt of acetic acid used as a food preservative and acidity regulator. It is commonly found in processed foods, especially in cheese products and pickled items. Calcium acetate is valued for its ability to help preserve food quality while providing a mild flavor.

Why do I have an intolerance?

Some individuals may experience intolerance to calcium acetate due to sensitivity to calcium salts or acetic acid. Symptoms can include gastrointestinal discomfort, skin reactions, or allergic responses. Genetic factors or prior exposure to similar compounds may play a role in developing this intolerance.

What can I do about it?

To manage calcium acetate intolerance, avoid processed foods containing this preservative. Reading labels is crucial for identifying potential sources. Focusing on fresh, unprocessed foods can help reduce exposure and promote overall health.