What is E312 or Dodecyl gallate?
Dodecyl gallate (E312) is another antioxidant used in processed foods to prevent fats and oils from spoiling. By slowing down the oxidation process, it helps maintain the quality and shelf life of foods. You might find it in snacks, margarine, or ready-made meals.
Why do I have an intolerance?
Intolerance to dodecyl gallate can result from the body’s inability to handle synthetic preservatives. Some people may develop sensitivities due to the accumulation of food additives like E312 in their diet, leading to symptoms like digestive discomfort, skin rashes, or breathing problems. Over time, exposure to these substances can trigger adverse reactions.
What can I do about it?
Avoiding foods that contain E312 is key to managing this intolerance. Reading labels and choosing fresh, preservative-free foods will help reduce exposure. Preparing meals at home with whole ingredients and staying away from pre-packaged snacks can further minimize the risk of consuming dodecyl gallate.