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What does it mean when I have different results to soy, tofu, soy yogurt, and soy milk?

  • Soy is the primary component of tofu, which means that the soybean is the food item in its most natural format. 
  • Tofu is a refined food item that is made up of partially soy bean. 
  • Shop-bought soy milk has a low percentage of soy beans, and also contains water, in addition to fillers and bulking agents. 
  • Shop-bought soy yogurt contains a low percentage of the soybeans and contains water and gelling agents such as pectin. 

It is how each soy item is made up that may cause a sensitivity. Or, if you have a sensitivity to the natural format of soy, then having a lower percentage in soy products may be a better option for you and not cause a sensitivity. 

We look at each component's percentage and volume when we test, which can play a varying factor in cellular inflammation.