Cheese (Pecorino Romano)

What is Pecorino Romano?

Pecorino Romano is a hard, salty Italian cheese made from sheep's milk. It originates from the Lazio region of Italy and is known for its sharp, tangy flavor and crumbly texture. It is often used grated over pasta dishes, salads, and soups. Pecorino Romano is aged for at least five months, which contributes to its strong flavor profile and firmness. Unlike some other cheeses, Pecorino Romano has a distinct taste due to the specific diet of the sheep and the traditional cheese-making methods.

Why Do I Have an Intolerance to Pecorino Romano ?

Intolerance to Pecorino Romano might be due to lactose intolerance, which means your body lacks the enzyme lactase needed to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk. Even though Pecorino Romano is lower in lactose compared to fresh cheeses, it can still cause symptoms like bloating, gas, or diarrhea in sensitive individuals. Additionally, some people might be intolerant to casein, a protein present in all dairy products, which can also lead to digestive discomfort or allergic reactions.

What Can I Do About It?

To manage intolerance to Pecorino Romano, consider reducing or eliminating cheese from your diet. Option for lactose-free cheeses or dairy alternatives made from almond, soy, or coconut. Use lactase supplements to help digest lactose if you choose to consume dairy occasionally. Always check labels for hidden dairy ingredients.