Polenta (Without Gluten)

What is Polenta?

Polenta is a traditional Italian dish made from boiled cornmeal. It is naturally gluten-free, making it a popular choice for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Polenta can be served creamy or allowed to set and then baked, grilled, or fried. It is a versatile food that can be used as a base for various toppings, similar to rice or potatoes.

Why do I have an intolerance to Polenta?

An intolerance to polenta, although rare, could be due to a sensitivity to corn or other ingredients used in its preparation. Some individuals may have a corn allergy or intolerance, leading to digestive issues, skin reactions, or other symptoms when consuming corn-based products like polenta.

What can I do about it?

To manage an intolerance to polenta, ensure you are using certified gluten-free cornmeal to avoid cross-contamination. If you suspect a corn sensitivity, consider eliminating polenta and other corn products from your diet and monitor for improvement in symptoms.