
What is Schnapps?

Schnapps is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage originating from Germany. It is typically made by fermenting fruit juices and distilling them into a strong, clear spirit. Various types of schnapps are flavored with fruits, herbs, or spices, resulting in a wide range of flavors, from sweet to savory. Some common varieties include apple, peach, and peppermint schnapps.

Why Do I Have an Intolerance to Schnapps?

Intolerance to schnapps can result from several factors. One common cause is an intolerance to alcohol itself, which can lead to symptoms like flushing, nausea, headaches, and stomach pain. 

Additionally, the fermentation and distillation processes can leave behind trace amounts of congeners and sulfites, which some people are sensitive to. The specific fruits or flavorings used in schnapps might also trigger an allergic or intolerant reaction. For instance, someone with a peach allergy could react to peach schnapps.

What Can I Do About It?

If you suspect an intolerance to schnapps, avoid consuming the beverage and option for alternatives that do not trigger your symptoms. Identify and avoid specific ingredients in schnapps that may cause reactions. Reading labels carefully and choosing beverages with fewer additives and known allergens can help manage your intolerance effectively.