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Squid intolerance may stem from tropomyosin, histamines, or additives used in its processing. Avoid squid for 8 weeks and try alternatives like chicken or fish. Supplements like probiotics and vitamin C can support your recovery.

🍨 What Is Squid?

Squid is a type of seafood classified as a mollusk, commonly enjoyed grilled, fried, or in soups and stews. It’s rich in protein, low in fat, and a good source of vitamins and minerals like B12 and selenium.

πŸ€” Why Do I Have an Intolerance to Squid and Its Components?

Squid intolerance may result from:

  • Tropomyosin: A protein in squid that can cause sensitivity.
  • Histamines: Naturally occurring in seafood and may trigger symptoms in sensitive individuals.
  • Processing chemicals: Preservatives or additives used in frozen or processed squid might irritate.
  • Shellfish cross-contamination: Often processed with other shellfish, which can lead to mixed sensitivities.

πŸ› οΈ What Can I Do About It?

  • Avoid squid and dishes containing it for 8 weeks to allow symptoms to subside, you can opt to retest after this period.
  • Replace squid with other protein sources like chicken, tofu, or white fish.
  • Retest after 8 weeks to check for improvement in your tolerance.

πŸ’Š Supplements to Support Intolerance and Inflammation From Squid

To help with recovery and gut health:

  • Digestive enzymes: Assist in breaking down seafood proteins.
  • Probiotics: Restore gut health and balance the microbiome.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Support anti-inflammatory processes.
  • Vitamin C: Helps reduce histamine sensitivity.

🌟 Differences with Squid and Other Seafood

The reasons may include:

  • Tropomyosin differences: Each type of seafood has unique proteins, and squid's tropomyosin may specifically trigger your symptoms.
  • Histamine levels: Squid might have higher histamine concentrations compared to other seafood.
  • Processing methods: Squid is often processed differently, introducing irritants not found in other seafood.
  • Shellfish cross-contact: Exposure to contaminants unique to squid processing might be the cause.

πŸ₯₯ Popular Dishes With Squid

  • Fried calamari
  • Grilled squid
  • Squid ink pasta
  • Seafood stews

πŸ₯₯ Alternatives to Squid

  • Chicken
  • Tofu
  • White fish (cod, haddock)
  • Shrimp