
Tuna intolerance often results from proteins, histamine content, or mercury levels. Avoid it for 8 weeks, retest, and consider alternatives like lean fish or plant-based options. Supplements like probiotics and chlorella can support your health.

🍨 What is Tuna?

Tuna is a versatile and popular fish, known for its firm texture and mild flavor. Rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins like B12 and D, tuna is often consumed fresh, canned, or in dishes like sushi and salads.

🤔 Why Do I Have an Intolerance to Tuna and Its Components?

Tuna intolerance could be due to:

  • Proteins: Tuna contains specific proteins that can trigger immune sensitivities.
  • Histamines: Tuna is naturally high in histamines, especially in canned or processed forms.
  • Mercury Levels: Some individuals may react to trace amounts of mercury in larger tuna species.

🛠️ What Can I Do About It?

  • Avoid tuna and tuna-based products for 8 weeks.
  • Retest after this period to check for symptom improvement.
  • Substitute tuna with lean, white fish or plant-based options like chickpeas or tofu.

💊 Supplements for Tuna Intolerance and Inflammation

To help manage symptoms:

  • Digestive Enzymes: Aid in breaking down fish proteins.
  • Probiotics: Support a healthy gut and reduce inflammation.
  • Chlorella or Spirulina: Natural supplements to counteract mercury exposure.

🌟 Why Might I Have an Intolerance to Tuna but Not Other Fish?

Key differences include:

  • Histamine Levels: Tuna, especially canned varieties, has higher histamine potential than lean fish like cod or haddock.
  • Size and Trophic Level: Tuna is a larger fish, potentially accumulating more mercury and environmental contaminants.
  • Protein Composition: Tuna proteins may differ from those in smaller, leaner fish.

🍽️ Popular Dishes with Tuna & Alternatives


  • Tuna salad
  • Grilled tuna steak
  • Tuna sushi


  • Salmon (if tolerated)
  • Mackerel (if tolerated)
  • Chickpeas or tofu for plant-based protein