
What is Vanilla?

Vanilla is a flavoring derived from the pods of the vanilla orchid (*Vanilla planifolia*). It is commonly used in cooking and baking for its sweet and aromatic flavor. Vanilla can be found in various forms, including vanilla extract, vanilla beans, and vanilla powder. It’s widely used in desserts, beverages, and even some savory dishes.

Why Do I Have an Intolerance to Vanilla?

Intolerance to vanilla may be due to sensitivity to compounds in the vanilla extract or other ingredients used in vanilla-flavored products. Vanilla extract contains alcohol and other compounds that can cause reactions in sensitive individuals. Additionally, some people might react to the additives or preservatives in processed vanilla products. Allergic reactions, although less common, can also contribute to discomfort.

What Can I Do About It?

Avoid vanilla-flavored products and option for alternatives like vanilla essence or natural flavorings that do not contain the problematic compounds. Use pure vanilla extracts with fewer additives or switch to non-vanilla flavors like almond or citrus. 

Always check ingredient labels to ensure they do not include vanilla or its derivatives. If you experience reactions, consider using homemade flavorings or consulting a resource on alternative ingredients to find suitable substitutes.