What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein that makes up approximately one-third of the protein found in the body. It essentially acts like a "glue" that helps to hold the body together. Collagen is responsible for healthy joints and skin.

Digestive enzymes break down the collagen in food into individual amino acids and peptides. However, the collagen in supplements has already been broken down, or hydrolyzed, which is why it's thought to be absorbed more efficiently than collagen from foods. 

Other roles of Collagen are known to be:
  • Promotes stronger bones
  • Thicker and shinier hair and nails
  • Reduces osteoarthritis pain
  • Helps to increase muscle mass
4 most common types of Collagen:
  • Type I: the most common type, found in all connective tissue
  • Type II: found in joints and intervertebral discs (the cushions that serve as your spine's shock absorbers)
  • Type III: the main component of reticular fibers, which are found in your skin and blood vessels
  • Type IV: a component of your kidneys, inner ear, and eye lens

Foods that contain Collagen:

Foods that contain gelatin, such as bone broth, provide collagen. Gelatin is a protein substance derived from collagen after it's cooked. 

Collagen is found in the connective tissue of animals. Foods such as chicken skin, pork skin, beef, and fish are sources of collagen. 

Vitamin C is crucial for collagen synthesis. It is important to consume foods that are rich in Vitamin C: citrus fruits, broccoli, and bell peppers.