What is Wheat, White?

  • Wheat, White, is made from the whole grain of brown wheat but has been refined. It is also known as white flour, commonly used in nearly all baked goods such as breads, pastas, breakfast cereals, breaded or battered foods, pizza dough, pancakes, waffles, biscuits, crackers, cakes, hidden in soups or stews, and most pre-packaged foods. It is very important to read the ingredients labels which should state "Wheat."
  • Wheat, (White), is known to contain Gluten.
  • Wheat, white, has been refined to mechanically remove the bran and germ, found in brown wheat. White wheat has a higher gluten count than brown. White wheat also contains a higher starch count. 
  • An intolerance to this item may be due to the higher protein count of gluten, or it may well be due to an inflamed digestive system, or overgrowth or "unfriendly bacteria," or due to yeast and fungi imbalances, or imbalance in the digestive processes, specifically "Amylase."
  • Please be sure you do not have an allergy to this item.